What is Blasius Equation:
Blasuis Equation describes the flow of a fluid over a flat plate.
The x-y coordinate system is chosen so that x is along the plate, and y is perpendicular to the plate. The leading edge of the plate is at x = 0, y = 0. The velocity components - u in the x-direction and v in the y-direction -- are expressed in terms of a stream function (x,y):
The fundamental equation which determines y is the x-component of the momentum equation in the boundary layer approximation. For the flat plate there is no pressure gradient, and the boundary layer approximation to the x-momentum equation takes the form
Where is the kinematic viscosity. By substituting the first eqaution into the second, we get for the partial differential equation
At the wall (y = 0) both velocity components must vanish, and far away from the plate, the horizontal velocity must approach the given free stream velocity . These conditions translate into the following conditions on
The absence of a length scale (the plate is semi-infinite in length) suggests a similarity solution, as originally used by Blasius. The solution has the form:
The scale is comparable with the boundary layer thickness. This substitution into the equation for
leads to the following nonlinear ordinary differential equation for
This equation is called the Blasius equation. We will solve it numerically in the next part. Once f is known, the velocity components may be computed as
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